
Your Invitation To

We are glad you have visited with us today at our web site.

Our prayer is that this will introduce us to you and that you will find our ministry one that offers a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth, service and worship. We live in a fast-paced generation that demands so much of our time and energy that we find ourselves having to arrange our priorities to get the best for our families. Our children are subjected to so many negative influences that their ethical, moral and spiritual foundations are lacking. Such foundations are necessary if they are to make sound decisions for their future. The answer to this problem lies in the teaching of the Bible. Even though time changes some things, the principles of right and truth never change. The Bible offers the true foundations on which life needs to be built and is still the support for the family.

Each Sunday these truths are taught in our Sunday School and Worship Services. It is our prayer that you and your family might know the joy of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ the Saviour and build life upon the Biblical foundations so necessary for today’s family. We invite you to join us.

With His Blessings,
Former Pastor Chuck Trent


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We are an assembly of born-again, Bible-believing Christians, united together in order to establish a base of testimony for the proclamation of the Word of God, to win the lost to Christ, both at home and abroad, to edify the saved, and to earnestly contend for the faith by giving particular emphasis to the fundamentals of the faith.

The heart of our ministry and message has always been sharing the Love of God for mankind.

The Lord’s Blessings to you!

        Coming Events


Church is open for in-person services for prayer meeting, Bible study and youth.


8-13 Homecoming Revival-Evangelist Paul Crowe

September 22Kick-off night for Master Clubs and Teen Impact.

September 29—5th Sunday Fellowship